Course curriculum
2024-2025 Free Webinars
Taking The Fear Out of Completing Conference, Webinar & PCC Applications
Enriching Lives with Therapeutic Horticulture: Top 10 Activity Ideas
Engaging with a Posthumanist Ethic of Care in Therapeutic Recreation Practice and Pedagogy
Supporting Positive Leisure Pursuits through the Leisure Map and Routing Tool
Recreation Therapy in Mental Health Settings
2023-2024 Free Webinars
The Anti-Racist and Anti-Oppressive Recreation Therapist: Building Saf(er) Spaces to Live, Work and Play
How much exercise should my group really be getting? Exercise programming for seniors across the continuum of age and ability.
VR: Boldly Going Where Rec Therapy has Not Gone Before!
2022-2023 Webinar Series
Leisure Assessment with an EDI lens
Facilitation techniques for improved engagement in virtual seated exercise programming for older adults
Changing to One Designation called R/TRO: What Does it Mean for You?
Safe to Brave: The Importance of Language in Trauma Informed Spaces
TRPR Writing Series
Conceptualizing a Research Paper
Research Ethics
Attending to the Writing Process
2021-2022 Webinar Series
The Reformulated Health Protection & Health Promotion Model
Introduction to Grants & Funding Proposals
Social Skill Engagement through Virtual Programming for Youth with Diverse Abilities in Paediatric Care
The Impact of Varying Job Titles in Recreation Therapy: A Canadian Study
TR Advocacy & You: Time to Raise our Voices & Be Heard
2020-2021 Webinar Series
Diversity and inclusion in long term care
Cultivating gratitude with seniors
Board games and positive interventions in TR setting
Developing a virtual TR student placement opportunity
Group fitness, chronic disease and TR
2019-2020 Webinar Series
Two Designations or One: A Review of TRO's Registration Designation
Creating a Body of TR Knowledge for Our Practice and Research Future
Golf Fore Life
BSO Implementation of SST & Collaboration with Recreation in LTC Homes
Redefining Senior Fitness from Assessment to Evaluation
2018-2019 Webinar Series
Programming Adaptations for Individuals with Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety
Using Online Tools Effectively for Program Evaluation and Research
Writing the Blues
Breathe – Heal Yourself from the Inside Out
Building a Strengths-Based Team on Purpose
2017-2018 Webinar Series
Evaluating & Implementing TR Programs through Calendar Evaluation
Utilization of the Leisure Well-Being Model into the Circle of Practice
“It takes the loneliness away!: A program for social isolation
Comparison and Contrast of the Registration designation and CTRS
Active tool for rehabilitation
2016-2017 Webinar Series
Therapeutic Recreation – A Strengths-Based Approach
The journey to TR publication...the good, the bad and the ugly
Conceptions of Suffering & Supporting Persons through Life Review
Registration designation – applying with TRO
Chair Yoga in Your 70s, 80s and Beyond